2004 Word of the Year

Hey Love,

Happy New Year! Now that the holidays and hooplah are behind us, it’s the perfect time to refocus, reprioritize and recommit to the future you want for yourself. One way to be more mindful and set powerful intentions is incorporating a Word of the Year.

There are endless choices and no right or wrong word. It should simply be something that you aspire to, feels meaningful and resonates with you. Here are some ideas to help in the word-selection process:

Pick the very first word that comes to mind

Sit in meditation and wait for a word to drop in or come to the surface

Choose a word that you’ve been thinking about or saying a lot

Start with a longer list of words and narrow down to one

My word last year was Embodiment. For me, that meant going slower and allowing more time for play, exploration, integration and deeper knowledge. It also meant incorporating practices that would bring even more awareness of my six senses and continued trust in my body's wisdom. It's incredible to look back and see how this word came to life in so many different ways, including classes on EFT/Tapping, Akashic Records and Kundalini Yoga.

For 2024, I’m choosing the word Consistency. I picked Consistency as a way to honor my desires and value myself enough to pursue them; to show future me that I can achieve my goals by being disciplined, taking action in the current moment and building frameworks that allow for my creativity to flourish. I will still say yes to opportunities and move with my energy flow, but at the foundational level, I am going to be consistent with my business and holistic practices. I already know what my results are when I'm inconsistent. Now it’s time to see what I can do when I stay the course for an extended period of time.

Remember, our words become our manifestations. Our words are powerful, they're spells, they create the story that our lives become, so let’s start taking ownership of what we want out of this life! For more detail on how to choose and implement your word, check out my recent Open to Alchemy podcast episode and don’t forget to share with a friend who would love it and make a great accountability buddy. I'd love to hear your word too, so tag me on IG @open.to.alchemy!

And if you are craving a connection with your creative energy this year, I'm now booking for 2024 Unblocking Sessions. Let's spend a powerful 60 minutes together to uncover hidden blocks, shift negative mindsets and brainstorm future action.

To keeping your word,


Recapping 3 Lessons for 2023

Hey Love,

Welcome to the last Thursday of the year. It’s been such a wild ride, at times feeling like it went by so quickly and other times like I lived a thousand different lives just this year alone! I love the practice of looking back and pulling out the most impactful lessons, major themes or shifts we’ve experienced. Maybe you can find some resonance, wisdom or inspiration in my 3 for 2023.

Advocate for what you need. This year everyone in my family has required some level of additional support, whether it be study services, new medications, tapping into work resources, etc. We are empowered to clearly, compassionately and respectfully lay out our needs, and keep going until they are met. There is no shame in requiring professional assistance or accommodations. Most people in these roles are genuinely happy to do their job of helping people in need.

Explore new things. For me this has meant so much personal growth and expansion, new friends and experiences. From my solo retreat, classes in Akashic Records, EFT/Tapping, my Energy Art journey, Kundalini yoga (and more!). You never know where these little hits of interest will take you and the result doesn’t really matter. The real lesson is honoring your intuition and valuing your playtime.

Creativity is everything. TBH, I struggled the last few months with putting what I do, love and offer into a “selling box”. I paused on a lot of things, slowed down and pulled back in order to see things (and myself) from a higher perspective. And that’s when all became clear. Even though I’ve been an active Creator all my life, I didn’t know that was the missing piece of my embodiment journey (my 2023 word of the year). Creativity is at the core of my being, my value proposition, my identity. I now know that it's not something that’s easy for everyone; it’s my gift to share and I’m 100% committed to owning this in 2024.

For a deeper dive into my 3 for 2023, check out the latest Open to Alchemy podcast episode. The next two weeks are a powerful time to review, reflect and reset, so stay tuned for resources on how to choose your 2024 word of the year and more. And if you are ready to reconnect with your creative energy, I'm now booking for 2024 Unblocking Sessions, a powerful 60 minutes together to uncover blocks, shift mindsets and brainstorm future action.

To celebrating the lessons of 2023,


How to Break-up Your Screen Addiction

Hey Love,

Today, December 21st, is the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere - the shortest day and longest night of the year. The word Solstice translates to “sun standing still” and is steeped in ancient wisdom and traditions. As a period meant for deep reflection, the Winter Solstice is a perfect time to consider all that you are ready to leave behind in 2023.

For me, I’ve decided the biggest thing I am ready to ditch is my screen-distraction-addiction. The mindless scrolling, random checking, frequent refreshing is such a terrible habit and I know so many of us struggle with it.

Even though I have taken all apps off cellular. Even though I have no notifications enabled. Even though I meditate almost daily.

The pull is SO strong. And it’s intended to be so. We are being programmed (literally) to give away our most precious resources - our time and attention - for a little hit of dopamine. And our brains are requiring more and more screen time to feel satisfied.

Yes, there is wonderful content out there. And of course there is value to learning, laughing and being connected. But we can’t ignore how physically, mentally and emotionally fried we are. The stress, overwhelm, anxiety, depression.

I know it feels weird at first to sit in silence, to not pick up your phone with each free moment. But ask yourself how often you are consuming someone else's content - whether on social media, games, news, podcasts, radio, emails - versus the amount of time you are quiet, connecting to your own thoughts, generating your own ideas. The answer might shock you.

I am working on some more resources to support myself and you in the coming year, but here is one thing that I am adopting immediately. Notice the urge. Taking just one beat, one quick pause, to be aware of and acknowledge the pull you are feeling can make an enormous difference.

Developing better screen habits is a way back to yourself. Back to peace and calm. Back to creativity and concentration, focus and freedom. We are meant to be creators, using our imagination, solving problems, fueling passions. Not passively watching the world go by in our little tech trances.

To leaving behind all that holds you back,


How to Change Your Energy

Hey Love,

I recently was faced with an uncomfortable situation. I was going to see a friend I hadn't seen in a while and the last time we were together ended in a pretty awkward exchange. And while we had texted and talked since, I was still harboring some hurt feelings and had increasing apprehension about our upcoming face-to-face.

My mind was looping with all the possible scenarios: What if they said something hurtful again? How would I handle a confrontation? What would others think/feel/say if they became part of our conversation? I was stuck in a negative, anxiety-filled spiral.

I had shared my concerns with some of my support team and got a range of loving advice, including: create protection boundaries around me, prepare to be direct and firm in my communication, and let it roll off me, ignoring whatever happens.

The morning of our get-together came and after days of angst, I woke up with a clear mind and full heart. I decided that I was going to approach this situation the same way I try to live each and every day - with empathy and compassion, leading with love, being kind and generous of spirit. With this renewed clarity, I felt calmer, more grounded and hopeful. And guess what happened…it was SO wonderful.

We laughed easily and shared freely. I held space as they shared the significant challenges they were experiencing. When I let go of my negative energy, I was able to see them more clearly, including the pain behind their previous words, which had nothing to do with me.

As we all know (but sometimes forget!), the only thing we can control is ourselves. We get to decide the energy we bring to any situation. We choose if we want to show up in alignment and integrity with our true selves or let others push us into thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are not authentic or desirable for us.

It’s not easy to look beyond the initial reaction to see what could be creating these “charged” situations, but the peace you can feel on the other side is so worth it. And this is why I believe so strongly in the personal work I do and keep sharing with you! It's not so we never falter or veer off course, but rather so we have the tools and resilience to find ourselves again and again.

To holding your energy,


Getting Creative for the Holidays

Hey Love,

As the holidays quickly approach, it can be a magical and fun-filled time, but also one that comes with a lot of extra pressure, anxiety and expectations. Searching for the perfect gift, hosting the perfect dinner, planning for the perfect trip.

One way to bring a little more simplicity and soulfulness into this busy season is to tap into your natural talents, interests or creative passions. Here are some inexpensive ideas to try based on your particular zone of genius:

If you are tech savvy: Create a family slideshow, design an email holiday card, make a shared pinboard for holiday activities

If you are a born philanthropist: Organize a family closet clean-out, pack toiletry bags to give to homeless, collect canned goods for distribution

If you love family time: Plan wacky holiday-themed games, schedule a pj movie marathon, create an in-home scavenger hunt

If you are a kitchen wiz: Make homemade treats for teachers, develop a special holiday mocktail, set-up a cookie decorating station

If you are a music maven: Put together a seasonal playlist, host an informal holiday jam session, research local choral concerts

If you are a visual artist: Get extra crafty with present wrapping, make handmade decorations, visit holiday craft markets

Notice that none of these ideas cost much money, but there's a huge reward in aligning your interests with activities that can bring more meaning to the season. It's not just in our words (or purchases!) that we show our love, but through our actions and intentions.

Remember that creativity isn’t reserved for the few - it’s a gift we all were given. But it sometimes takes help to reconnect with our natural abilities and interests. And that's exactly what I can help you with. If you are feeling creatively blocked, stuck or unfulfilled, let's work together to find that missing spark. I've got all the tools to help you feel reinspired, realigned and ready to take on whatever creative dream you desire.

If you want to get back in your creative flow, let's start with an Unblocking session, a powerful 60 minutes 1:1 to uncover, shift and brainstorm. If you are ready to dive deeper into a full month of transformation, check out my new Creativity Container, packed with high impact sessions, custom resources and ongoing support

To creating memories this season,


Rewrite Your Story

Hey Love,

We all tell ourselves stories. Tall tales about who we are and aren’t, what we can and can’t achieve, why we do and don’t have the life we desire. Some of these stories are positive and empowering, motivating us to keep moving forward towards our goals. But, you might have other stories, ones filled with excuses, justifications and limiting beliefs. These are the ones that fuel doubt, self-sabotage tactics and a lack mentality.

It can be hard to overcome a negative story that you’ve written about yourself. But if you want to make a change in any area of your life, then it’s time to create a new story - one where you are the hero, the boss, the one who wins the golden ticket. Here's how:

Pick your focus area. What’s one meaningful thing you’d like to change in your life? A new job, improved health, better boundaries? Pick something that’s really important, you’ve thought about a lot and deeply desire.

Identify your current story. What have you’ve told yourself about why you don’t have this yet? Using the example above, maybe you’ve thought: I’m not smart enough, I don’t have enough discipline, I can’t handle upsetting people. Be really honest with yourself and get it all out on paper, each and every negative part of the story.

Shed and shred. Say out loud “This is an old story, that I…(use the negative words you wrote above)”. Next, visualize peeling it away from every corner of your mind, and shake it loose from each part of your body. Imagine it all being pulled together and into a big wad of paper that you can destroy as you see fit - throw it in the trash, light it on fire, tear it into a thousand pieces.

Rewrite your new story. This is the time to be creative and reinvent your identity, bring your future self into the now timeline. Who are you in your most amazing version? What are you truly capable of achieving and experiencing? What life do you believe is absolutely made for you? Feel into what it’s like to live as if all of this were 100% true. Soak up every ounce of joy, excitement, pride, gratitude.

This is a powerful exercise and one that takes practice, so please don’t worry if it felt hard! It requires time and energy (aka attention and intention) to make these types of mindset shifts, so just be patient and keep trying. You can repeat this exercise daily or weekly as you start to notice a difference in the story you are telling yourself and the results that are showing up in your life.

You can create anything you want for yourself. But you may need some support to determine what's been getting in your way and how to move through to the other side. And that's exactly what I can help you with. If you are feeling creatively blocked, stuck or unfulfilled, let's work together to find that missing spark. I've got all the tools to help you feel reinspired, realigned and ready to take on whatever dream you desire.

If you want to get back in your creative flow, let's start with an Unblocking session, a powerful 60 minutes 1:1 to uncover, shift and brainstorm. If you are ready to dive deeper into a full month of transformation, check out my new Creativity Container, packed with high impact sessions, custom resources and ongoing support

To writing a new story,


6 Weeks To Change

Hey Love,

I don’t want to set off any stress alarm bells, but… there are just 6 Thursdays left in 2023! Aghh, I know!

And as much as I love the idea of coasting through the remaining weeks and starting off the New Year fresh, here is the truth: what we do (and don’t do) in these next 6 weeks has a major impact on our 2024 success.

Imagine if you started doing the work NOW, for changes you want to implement next year. With a little bit of intention and attention, you will already see meaningful progress on January 1, rather than using the whole first month to get momentum going.

Here are some powerful questions to set the stage for our next 6 weeks of transformation. And yes, you can still fully enjoy the holiday season, while also laying the foundation for Future You!

What is one challenge you are currently experiencing? It could be big or small, work or personal. If it’s coming to your mind, then it’s ready to be addressed.

Why is fixing or improving this issue important to you? Try going deeper here to get to the root of why this matters.

What possible solutions haven’t you tried yet? This is the brainstorming part! What have you heard or seen from others who’ve overcome your same challenge? What are they doing you haven’t done?

How will your life be better after this problem is resolved? How will you feel differently? What ripple effect will it have?

What is your accountability plan for giving this desired change your attention and effort? Hints: Find a friend/coach, join a group, set up a reward system.

See that wasn’t too bad, right? And now it can get even better. If the answer to #1 has anything to do with Creativity, then you are in luck! As I lean more into my role as a Creative Catalyst and champion for others, I am gifting (yes that means FREE!) a limited number of 1:1 sessions to help those who feel creatively blocked, whether it's a neccesary part your career or simply a missing piece of your life.

If this is calling to you, then hit reply asap and get yourself on the top of my list. Remember, the next 6 weeks are going to go by anyway. Don't wait for the perfect time, best idea, or right mood - let's take the steps to get you back in your creative groove now!

To your creative flow,


Ending the Comparison Trap

Hey Love,

Are you suffering from Comparisonitis? If you are 1) Often looking around to see what others are doing, 2) Frequently measuring yourself against the goals set and/or achieved by someone else 3) Feel bad about yourself when you see others succeed, then you probably are.

It’s so common to compare ourselves to others even though we each:

Think, act, feel, see, hear, look and learn differently

Have had unique family structures, upbringings, schooling, work and life experiences

Enjoy specific passions, talents, desires and points of view

Have been through various traumas and losses, successes and truimphs

So how can we expect to have what someone else does, when none of our journeys are the same?

Somewhere along the way, we took on the belief that it’s us vs them, a competition, a fight for some slice of success pie. But in reality, it’s you vs you.

Yes, there are some benefits to occasionally looking at what others have. It can show you what’s possible, highlight a desire you may have been unaware of and motivate you to challenge yourself. It can also help you clarify and refine what you don’t want and what you are unwilling to compromise on.

So take your quick glance around and then move on. It’s time to walk your path, honestly and authentically. Pursue what makes you happy. Strive for goals that light you up. Redefine your priorities and values.

I’ve been busy retooling my own version of success, who I’m here to help and how I’m meant to live my purpose. And while my interests remain broad and ever-evolving, my business focus has narrowed and I am beyond excited to move into this next iteration of Open to Alchemy. Stay tuned for more.

If you want a creative, empowering place to find your path and transform even more into your fullest self, please reach out via email or send me a DM on social. As always, my 1:1 offerings are available, so find the right session for you on the Open to Alchemy website.

To being the one and only you,


Your ARE a Big Deal

Hey Love,

I recently had a pretty meaningful realization…I am a Minimizer. I’m not sure this is an official term or classification, so you might be hearing it here first (trademark pending, lol). You see, I had a rather chaotic childhood. While it was filled with so much love and wonderful family, friends and experiences, there was also a lot going on behind the scenes. As a result, I learned how to navigate my big feelings and sometimes unstable surroundings through various coping mechanisms. Some of them were beneficial (the belief in positive thinking, self-reliance, resilience), but others not so much (normalizing chaos, compartmentalizing traumatic events).

The big aha though, was in seeing how this minimizing didn’t just happen with the bad or hard stuff, but also with the good stuff. As in, hiding my successes, not wanting to promote myself or celebrate my gifts fully. Lately, however, there has been a noticeable shift and I keep getting the messages of self-love, trust, stepping into my power and abilities. And I know this is a message for you too:

You are a big deal. You are a gift. You are a treasure. Do not let others dissuade you from your brightness, from your bold, beautiful “beingship”. You may not always be understood by everyone, but your voice is needed and will surely help those it is meant to reach.

So many of us work hard to fit in, purposefully dim our light and hide from too much attention. We make ourselves and our accomplishments smaller. But who is that serving? How is that helping us live our purpose or set an example for those around us?

It’s time to be who you truly are and step into who you were meant to be. No more standing in the shadows. Let’s celebrate our strengths, our wins, ourselves and each other.

I don’t know what this energy will turn into, but I’m holding space for each of you who want a safe, loving place to own your power and transform even more into your fullest self. If this is resonating with you, please reach out via email or send me a DM on social.

As always, my 1:1 offerings are available, so find the right session for you on the Open to Alchemy website.

To our wholeness,


Dealing With Emotional Overload

Hey Love,

Back in March 2022, I wrote the basis for this email. At that time the world was being rocked by the Ukraine/Russia crisis. It saddens me beyond words to be here again, feeling the same anguish, needing many of the same tools and practices, as we witness the violence in the Middle East.

As sensitive beings (aka Empaths) we can take on so much of the collective pain and suffering, that we can begin to physically, emotionally and mentally experience them ourselves. These are some of the Empathic Distress symptoms you may be experiencing in the past weeks:

A heightened level of anxiety, despair, worry, stress

Insomnia, procrastination, lack of interest in productivity, passions or hobbies

Increase in self-soothing habits like mindless eating, drinking, shopping, binge watching, etc

Becoming hyper-focused on an area that *think* we can control, i.e. kids, partners, work, home

When we have difficulty separating our own emotions and feelings from those around us, it can be overwhelming and totally disregulating. Here are some of my favorite practices to help calm our nervous systems and get back into our bodies:

Get Quiet: I can not overstate the benefit of quiet time when you feel overloaded. Sitting in silence with no outside stimulation, a few times a day, is an incredibly peaceful practice and a beautiful way to start becoming an observer of your own energy. If you think you can’t sit still, then try walking or driving in silence to get started.

Take a News Break: I know you want to stay up-to-date, but constant doom scrolling and breaking news alerts just wire your brain to look for and become addicted to the negative dopamine hits. Give yourself a few minutes to check-in, but stay offline the rest of the day to give your body and mind a chance to reset.

Reinforce Personal Boundaries: If you want to stop taking on other’s emotions, it's time for some boundary creation. Notice which people increase your anxiety or always share the most graphic or upsetting stories and tell them you need a mental-health break. Be firm on what topics you will and won’t allow in.

Prioritize Feel-Good Activities: It might feel strange to focus on what you deem to be trivial or selfish actions, but it’s exactly what you need to stay focused, level-headed and resilient. Remember, you can’t suffer enough to prevent someone else from suffering. Take care of yourself so you can stay in the energy of being a problem solver and helper.

Remember Common Humanity: It’s really easy to extend compassion to people who think and act just like you. But can you have the same care for those who might have a different perspective? While we may have a vast range in our experiences, opinions and even values, at our core we are all humans, who love, suffer loss and do the best we can in our circumstances.

I know we all pray for a quick and peaceful end to the current violence in the Middle East. I hope you'll find these tools helpful and remember to take each day as it comes.

My most recent Open to Alchemy podcast episode goes into more details on this topic, so take a listen. And if I can provide support in any way, please reach out via email or send me a DM on social.

To peace,
