What is Channeled Wisdom?

I believe we are all intuitive. We all have access to connect our soul’s higher consciousness. And like any other muscle you work, it takes learning the tools, lots of practice and patience to work the muscles required for this kind of deep spiritual connection. The intuitive development process can bring up deep layers of conditioning, ancestral wounds, intense ego awareness. But for me, it is the most satisfying, fun, exciting, soul-alighting work. It would be my honor to help connect you with the deep wisdom waiting to speak to you, to provide guidance, validation, love. Because my dears, it’s all love.

I reactivated and tuned my Intuitive skills through training with Bree Melanson.

Recent Channeled Messages

On feeling resistance…”Resistance is a mirror, a bridge, an opportunity to pause, take a look at things around you and yourself. It provides a path, a shortcut to move through something or a chance to take the long way around. When you push up against something or you feel it pushing against you, what is it you are really feeling? Is it pain? Or is it uncomfortable and you just want it to be easy? Feeling like resistance is wrong is only your judgement of it. What if resistance was a beautiful way of slowing down, of reconfirming? What if you welcomed resistance to allow you to grow, to gain confidence, to put something in your place to bite into and gnaw on for a while? How can you approach resistance with more curiosity and ease?”

On what is presence…”Ah my dear, the heartbeat of all that is gold. Presence is quite simply being with what is. It’s a place of reverence, peace, without possibilty or pandering. It’s knowing only that moment, nothing more, nothing less. It’s the greatest tragedy (of your generation) that so few moments are spent in presence. That you so easily and freely give away your only chance at true joy in some futile chase of future or even worse, pent up hostility towards the past. What would it be like to greet each new moment with wonder, gratitude, reverence? To treat each full, juicy, delicious breath as a siren song. To feel your cells be alive, your pores open and close, the energy vibrate off your skin. To feel the dance of life happening in and around you. To feel limitless, want for nothing, not even the next breath, because you are so in the presence of the existing one.”