What is Energy Art?

Have you ever heard the terms Aura & Chakra and wondered what they mean? Your Aura is your energy field, emanating around you. There are seven layers of your Auric Field that interact with each other and have specific energetic connections.

Chakras are swirling energy centers of your body, which each have a correlating physical, spiritual, emotional and mental connection. We have seven chakras, starting with your root and moving up to the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown.

Your aura and chakras are energetically intertwined, with chakras being internal and auras being external. When you feel off-balance or out of sync, it can be seen or felt by a trained Reiki Healer or Energy reader, who can also help navigate you back into alignment.

Connect to a deeper part of yourself

Do you want to know yourself in a whole new way?

Your energetic essence is beautiful, whether or not you can feel it or see it. You are magic in motion. A vibrational masterpiece. And I can help capture that moment in time into a one-of-a-kind, handmade art piece. In addition to co-creating your custom artwork, I translate that essence into words, through a channeled reading of your energy. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.

Energy Art Samples

Energy Art Reading Testimonials

“OMG I am LEGIT IN AWE! This week I rebranded my podcast image and was like “I’m so surprised how pink and orange are the colors I’m emerging into because I’m not usually that “girly” and then I open up your stunning artwork and see how my inner self feels but hasn’t been able to express in art form 😱😱😱🥹 I’ve been telling my husband for weeks that I just know I need to move my body more but as a newer mom who works full time while caregiving full time I just haven’t had any time for me to exist and express and I truly need to - this reading feels so so spot on! Like WOW” L.C.

“Wow lauren thank you so much! This is beautiful- both as a piece of art and what you read energetically ✨💕 What really jumped out from the image was that it was like a heart (fitting, between throat and solar plexus), and i saw a butterfly (coming out of cocoon of constraint), and the yellow looks like a tree bursting out of its seed! Thank you so much- a beautiful gift and you’re really tuned in 🌞🙏🧡” R.S.

“Lauren, thank you so much! This is so beautiful! I love the way that the ink had both a water-colory feel but also was defined enough to allow me to see sharp lines and points of gradation in the painting. In terms of the reading, it resonated a lot with what I've been feeling recently and what I've gotten in other readings. Your language was very descriptive and helped me feel what you were seeing. Thanks again!” A.T.

“Wow this is so special - thank you for such a sweet reading. That alllll resonates! Thank you again! What a wonderful reading. I could see these being a lovely gift for a friend or loved one 💗 M.S.