What is Part Woo - Part Work?

I’m so excited to share Part Woo - Part Work, my unique approach to creating a soul-driven work-life connection. I’ve always had my feet in two different worlds and the truth is, I’ve never really felt like I quite fit in. I’ve always loved all things Woo (crystals, spirit animals, energy healing…bring it on!), but I also have a pragmatic Work side, honed by my many years in the advertising and marketing industry. As much as I’d love to spend all day meditating and setting my intentions on fire, I have a young family and lots of home obligations that keep me grounded. This approach allows me to bring in the best tools, philosophies and resources from both the mystical and the material worlds.

Read more about some of my favorite Woo topics here.


The healing and spiritual practices I love all have one thing in common: they ask you to put yourself as a priority. To carve out a few minutes of mindfulness so you can remember that underneath all the distractions, self-doubt and pressure, is a voice longing for meaning and connection.

All of the modalities I utilize provide opportunities to better know and ultimately accept yourself. The more you are truly connected to your heart, your soul and your special gifts, the more loving you will be to yourself. And that self-compassion allows incredible transformations to happen.

It’s not a straight path from self-discovery to self-compassion. But the closer you get to the heart of who you are, the easier it is to re-center after you get bumped off-course. In these places of calm, clarity and surrender, we connect to what really matters to us. We can let go of the need for external validation and break free from a false idea of what happiness and success looks like.


Transformation Methods


Human Design

Human Design takes personality tests, birth charts and enneagrams to a whole new level. Gain a deep understanding of your true nature, with a personalized guide for living your healthiest life - mind, body and soul.


Soul Readings

Unlock the wisdom and guidance that’s been longing to connect with you. Integrating a combination of intuitive techniques, each session allows divinely guided messages to come through.

Energy Alignment

In our session, we will look into your energetic body seeing any potential blocks or areas that need to be put back in balance. A powerful way to tap into our bodies natural communication and healing.

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Timeline Jumping

While our human minds undertand time on a linear plane, our infinite souls understand that all things are possible and easily accessible. This takes manifestation to a whole new level of embodiment

“Learning about my human design type (Projector) from Lauren has been very helpful for me-- it has confirmed what I already sensed about myself as a person but couldn't always put words to. I felt both relieved and validated to have confirmation that I am not the type of person who does well with a traditional 9-to-5 job or being constantly on the go without time for pauses. Learning more about who I am on a fundamental level has given me a "permission slip" to really be comfortable with how I go through life and respond to the world around me instead of fighting against that truth and striving to fit into a mold that doesn't resonate with my spirit. I appreciate the awareness that Human design has given me and the in-depth explanation that Lauren provided.” E.C.


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