What is Energy Alignment?

While we might be etheral beings, we are here, right now, to have physical experiences. That is why so many of us on a path of spirituality or higher consciousness start with a deeper exploration of our bodies. And the body is not just our vessel for experiencing life, it also provides an incredible understanding of what is happening on the emotional and spiritual planes. Energy Alignment uses a variety of modalities to tap into what is happening energetically, so you may release and shift energy to find great ease and flow.


As a Level 2 certified Reiki Practicioner, I am attuned to facilitate Reiki sessions both in-person and via distance.

Reiki is a form of healing that channels energy from the healer’s hands through to the recipient. As a conduit for this energy, I use a body scan technique to review all chakras to obtain any information that flows through. This can be through a variety of clari-abilities, resulting in any number of intuitive messages that are being called to the surface for communication and transmutation. Each session is different and delivers the exact alignment each recipient needs. Shifts may be felt during session and also for a period of time afterwards.