What is Human Design?

Called the Science of Differentiation and energy, Human Design provides a deeply personal system for self- awareness, authenticity and transformation. Learning my Human Design (2/4 Sacral Manifesting Generator) has made the most meaningful and impactful difference in my life (and I’ve tried everything!)

I received my training as Human Design reader and guide with Jenna Zoe.

Find Authenticity, Alignment, Flow

Do you feel like you have a unique way of looking at things, but struggle to be recognized for your gifts? Have you gone from thing to thing, following your latest passion, but feeling criticized by friends and family who don’t understand? Do you feel like you have a super power to make whatever you want happen, but are frequently misunderstood? Do all of these sound like you and it’s exhausting? What if I told you all of those feelings were not only accurate, but how you were designed…AND there are ways to harness your energy to get more of what you want in every aspect of you life.

What are the benefits of Human Design?

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