How to Break-up Your Screen Addiction

Hey Love,

Today, December 21st, is the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere - the shortest day and longest night of the year. The word Solstice translates to “sun standing still” and is steeped in ancient wisdom and traditions. As a period meant for deep reflection, the Winter Solstice is a perfect time to consider all that you are ready to leave behind in 2023.

For me, I’ve decided the biggest thing I am ready to ditch is my screen-distraction-addiction. The mindless scrolling, random checking, frequent refreshing is such a terrible habit and I know so many of us struggle with it.

Even though I have taken all apps off cellular. Even though I have no notifications enabled. Even though I meditate almost daily.

The pull is SO strong. And it’s intended to be so. We are being programmed (literally) to give away our most precious resources - our time and attention - for a little hit of dopamine. And our brains are requiring more and more screen time to feel satisfied.

Yes, there is wonderful content out there. And of course there is value to learning, laughing and being connected. But we can’t ignore how physically, mentally and emotionally fried we are. The stress, overwhelm, anxiety, depression.

I know it feels weird at first to sit in silence, to not pick up your phone with each free moment. But ask yourself how often you are consuming someone else's content - whether on social media, games, news, podcasts, radio, emails - versus the amount of time you are quiet, connecting to your own thoughts, generating your own ideas. The answer might shock you.

I am working on some more resources to support myself and you in the coming year, but here is one thing that I am adopting immediately. Notice the urge. Taking just one beat, one quick pause, to be aware of and acknowledge the pull you are feeling can make an enormous difference.

Developing better screen habits is a way back to yourself. Back to peace and calm. Back to creativity and concentration, focus and freedom. We are meant to be creators, using our imagination, solving problems, fueling passions. Not passively watching the world go by in our little tech trances.

To leaving behind all that holds you back,
