How to Change Your Energy

Hey Love,

I recently was faced with an uncomfortable situation. I was going to see a friend I hadn't seen in a while and the last time we were together ended in a pretty awkward exchange. And while we had texted and talked since, I was still harboring some hurt feelings and had increasing apprehension about our upcoming face-to-face.

My mind was looping with all the possible scenarios: What if they said something hurtful again? How would I handle a confrontation? What would others think/feel/say if they became part of our conversation? I was stuck in a negative, anxiety-filled spiral.

I had shared my concerns with some of my support team and got a range of loving advice, including: create protection boundaries around me, prepare to be direct and firm in my communication, and let it roll off me, ignoring whatever happens.

The morning of our get-together came and after days of angst, I woke up with a clear mind and full heart. I decided that I was going to approach this situation the same way I try to live each and every day - with empathy and compassion, leading with love, being kind and generous of spirit. With this renewed clarity, I felt calmer, more grounded and hopeful. And guess what happened…it was SO wonderful.

We laughed easily and shared freely. I held space as they shared the significant challenges they were experiencing. When I let go of my negative energy, I was able to see them more clearly, including the pain behind their previous words, which had nothing to do with me.

As we all know (but sometimes forget!), the only thing we can control is ourselves. We get to decide the energy we bring to any situation. We choose if we want to show up in alignment and integrity with our true selves or let others push us into thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are not authentic or desirable for us.

It’s not easy to look beyond the initial reaction to see what could be creating these “charged” situations, but the peace you can feel on the other side is so worth it. And this is why I believe so strongly in the personal work I do and keep sharing with you! It's not so we never falter or veer off course, but rather so we have the tools and resilience to find ourselves again and again.

To holding your energy,
