Ending the Comparison Trap

Hey Love,

Are you suffering from Comparisonitis? If you are 1) Often looking around to see what others are doing, 2) Frequently measuring yourself against the goals set and/or achieved by someone else 3) Feel bad about yourself when you see others succeed, then you probably are.

It’s so common to compare ourselves to others even though we each:

Think, act, feel, see, hear, look and learn differently

Have had unique family structures, upbringings, schooling, work and life experiences

Enjoy specific passions, talents, desires and points of view

Have been through various traumas and losses, successes and truimphs

So how can we expect to have what someone else does, when none of our journeys are the same?

Somewhere along the way, we took on the belief that it’s us vs them, a competition, a fight for some slice of success pie. But in reality, it’s you vs you.

Yes, there are some benefits to occasionally looking at what others have. It can show you what’s possible, highlight a desire you may have been unaware of and motivate you to challenge yourself. It can also help you clarify and refine what you don’t want and what you are unwilling to compromise on.

So take your quick glance around and then move on. It’s time to walk your path, honestly and authentically. Pursue what makes you happy. Strive for goals that light you up. Redefine your priorities and values.

I’ve been busy retooling my own version of success, who I’m here to help and how I’m meant to live my purpose. And while my interests remain broad and ever-evolving, my business focus has narrowed and I am beyond excited to move into this next iteration of Open to Alchemy. Stay tuned for more.

If you want a creative, empowering place to find your path and transform even more into your fullest self, please reach out via email or send me a DM on social. As always, my 1:1 offerings are available, so find the right session for you on the Open to Alchemy website.

To being the one and only you,
