6 Weeks To Change

Hey Love,

I don’t want to set off any stress alarm bells, but… there are just 6 Thursdays left in 2023! Aghh, I know!

And as much as I love the idea of coasting through the remaining weeks and starting off the New Year fresh, here is the truth: what we do (and don’t do) in these next 6 weeks has a major impact on our 2024 success.

Imagine if you started doing the work NOW, for changes you want to implement next year. With a little bit of intention and attention, you will already see meaningful progress on January 1, rather than using the whole first month to get momentum going.

Here are some powerful questions to set the stage for our next 6 weeks of transformation. And yes, you can still fully enjoy the holiday season, while also laying the foundation for Future You!

What is one challenge you are currently experiencing? It could be big or small, work or personal. If it’s coming to your mind, then it’s ready to be addressed.

Why is fixing or improving this issue important to you? Try going deeper here to get to the root of why this matters.

What possible solutions haven’t you tried yet? This is the brainstorming part! What have you heard or seen from others who’ve overcome your same challenge? What are they doing you haven’t done?

How will your life be better after this problem is resolved? How will you feel differently? What ripple effect will it have?

What is your accountability plan for giving this desired change your attention and effort? Hints: Find a friend/coach, join a group, set up a reward system.

See that wasn’t too bad, right? And now it can get even better. If the answer to #1 has anything to do with Creativity, then you are in luck! As I lean more into my role as a Creative Catalyst and champion for others, I am gifting (yes that means FREE!) a limited number of 1:1 sessions to help those who feel creatively blocked, whether it's a neccesary part your career or simply a missing piece of your life.

If this is calling to you, then hit reply asap and get yourself on the top of my list. Remember, the next 6 weeks are going to go by anyway. Don't wait for the perfect time, best idea, or right mood - let's take the steps to get you back in your creative groove now!

To your creative flow,
