Rewrite Your Story

Hey Love,

We all tell ourselves stories. Tall tales about who we are and aren’t, what we can and can’t achieve, why we do and don’t have the life we desire. Some of these stories are positive and empowering, motivating us to keep moving forward towards our goals. But, you might have other stories, ones filled with excuses, justifications and limiting beliefs. These are the ones that fuel doubt, self-sabotage tactics and a lack mentality.

It can be hard to overcome a negative story that you’ve written about yourself. But if you want to make a change in any area of your life, then it’s time to create a new story - one where you are the hero, the boss, the one who wins the golden ticket. Here's how:

Pick your focus area. What’s one meaningful thing you’d like to change in your life? A new job, improved health, better boundaries? Pick something that’s really important, you’ve thought about a lot and deeply desire.

Identify your current story. What have you’ve told yourself about why you don’t have this yet? Using the example above, maybe you’ve thought: I’m not smart enough, I don’t have enough discipline, I can’t handle upsetting people. Be really honest with yourself and get it all out on paper, each and every negative part of the story.

Shed and shred. Say out loud “This is an old story, that I…(use the negative words you wrote above)”. Next, visualize peeling it away from every corner of your mind, and shake it loose from each part of your body. Imagine it all being pulled together and into a big wad of paper that you can destroy as you see fit - throw it in the trash, light it on fire, tear it into a thousand pieces.

Rewrite your new story. This is the time to be creative and reinvent your identity, bring your future self into the now timeline. Who are you in your most amazing version? What are you truly capable of achieving and experiencing? What life do you believe is absolutely made for you? Feel into what it’s like to live as if all of this were 100% true. Soak up every ounce of joy, excitement, pride, gratitude.

This is a powerful exercise and one that takes practice, so please don’t worry if it felt hard! It requires time and energy (aka attention and intention) to make these types of mindset shifts, so just be patient and keep trying. You can repeat this exercise daily or weekly as you start to notice a difference in the story you are telling yourself and the results that are showing up in your life.

You can create anything you want for yourself. But you may need some support to determine what's been getting in your way and how to move through to the other side. And that's exactly what I can help you with. If you are feeling creatively blocked, stuck or unfulfilled, let's work together to find that missing spark. I've got all the tools to help you feel reinspired, realigned and ready to take on whatever dream you desire.

If you want to get back in your creative flow, let's start with an Unblocking session, a powerful 60 minutes 1:1 to uncover, shift and brainstorm. If you are ready to dive deeper into a full month of transformation, check out my new Creativity Container, packed with high impact sessions, custom resources and ongoing support

To writing a new story,
