Your ARE a Big Deal

Hey Love,

I recently had a pretty meaningful realization…I am a Minimizer. I’m not sure this is an official term or classification, so you might be hearing it here first (trademark pending, lol). You see, I had a rather chaotic childhood. While it was filled with so much love and wonderful family, friends and experiences, there was also a lot going on behind the scenes. As a result, I learned how to navigate my big feelings and sometimes unstable surroundings through various coping mechanisms. Some of them were beneficial (the belief in positive thinking, self-reliance, resilience), but others not so much (normalizing chaos, compartmentalizing traumatic events).

The big aha though, was in seeing how this minimizing didn’t just happen with the bad or hard stuff, but also with the good stuff. As in, hiding my successes, not wanting to promote myself or celebrate my gifts fully. Lately, however, there has been a noticeable shift and I keep getting the messages of self-love, trust, stepping into my power and abilities. And I know this is a message for you too:

You are a big deal. You are a gift. You are a treasure. Do not let others dissuade you from your brightness, from your bold, beautiful “beingship”. You may not always be understood by everyone, but your voice is needed and will surely help those it is meant to reach.

So many of us work hard to fit in, purposefully dim our light and hide from too much attention. We make ourselves and our accomplishments smaller. But who is that serving? How is that helping us live our purpose or set an example for those around us?

It’s time to be who you truly are and step into who you were meant to be. No more standing in the shadows. Let’s celebrate our strengths, our wins, ourselves and each other.

I don’t know what this energy will turn into, but I’m holding space for each of you who want a safe, loving place to own your power and transform even more into your fullest self. If this is resonating with you, please reach out via email or send me a DM on social.

As always, my 1:1 offerings are available, so find the right session for you on the Open to Alchemy website.

To our wholeness,
