How To Believe In Yourself

Hey Love,

I was journaling this week about ways to grow my impact and be more aligned in my purpose (yes these are really the things I think about, lol!) when a question dropped in that gave me goosebumps: When did you stop believing in yourself?

I continued writing and was soon able to make the connection between my self-image and achieving my goals. I realized that what I really needed to do was feel fully on the inside how I want to be received outside. After all, how can we ask and expect others to believe what we question?

If this is something you’ve struggled with too, here are some ways to reignite your faith:

Affirmations. It might sound silly or feel uncomfortable to get started, but this practice really works. Tell yourself “I love you”, “You’re amazing”, “You’ve got this” or whatever you specifically need to hear and notice how different you feel. Try to make it a habit by pairing with other daily activities, like brushing your teeth, driving to work or at the beginning of an exercise session.

Slow down. The frazzled nature of our culture can prevent us from feeling grounded and connected. And in that open, often chaotic space, comes confusion, doubt and the inability to focus and prioritize. By approaching life just a little slower and more methodically, through rituals, meditation and a reduction in screen time, you will start to remember who you truly are.

Keep your Self-Promises. Our confidence grows each time we uphold a commitment to ourselves. With this increasing integrity, comes a beautiful cycle of believing in and trusting our intentions, words and planned actions. Find an accountability buddy if this is something you need support with.

As good as it feels to be recognized or receive praise from others, our true power is rooted in our core relationship with self. It’s where our authenticity is generated and our connection with intuition and purpose develops. And remember, there’s a reason a dream or goal sits in your heart and whispers in your ear…they are yours to achieve.

If you’d like to talk through this 1:1, that’s what I’m here for. Changing mindsets, busting through limiting beliefs, seeing and sharing your highest truth and potential, providing tools to know where you want to go and how to get there, that’s my work, right alongside you.

Here’s how to connect: Book a Free Call to see how we can best work together, Schedule a session directly on my website, listen to an episode of the Open to Alchemy podcast or hit reply on this email and let me know what's on your mind.

Also, I have an incredible new freebie, Finding Your Creative Flow, on my website to help you better connect to your incredible creative potential. I'd love for you to check it out or share with someone!

To your infinite potential,


How Do You Measure Success

Hey Love,

I was thinking the other day about our need or desire for evidence that it’s all working out. We want to feel like we are on the right path in pursuit of whatever our goals may be - health, relationships, professional success, etc. It feels so good to know that our hard work is paying off.

And while the big promotion, new relationship status or dropping of 10lbs represents tangible and celebration-worthy proof, for parts of our transformation journey, the shifts can be slower and much more subtle. But that doesn't mean that progress isn’t happening.

What if we changed our “required evidence” to be so much smaller?! We would always see and feel that it is working out. If we viewed each minor shift as a major accomplishment, we would create a wider field of opportunity and a beautiful feedback loop of empowerment, encouragement and positivity.

So here are some questions to ask yourself while you are setting and pursuing your goals, while aiming for the tiniest, most accessible, easiest-to-achieve answers:

What is the evidence I need to believe that change is happening?

Is this something I need to physically see or will feeling/knowing it suffice?

Do I need others to notice or can I be internally satisfied?

How often do I need to see or feel this hit of approval or satisfaction?

When will I know that I’ve achieved my goal or successfully arrived at the next milestone?

If we are going to play the roles of Judge and Jury (and even Sentencer!) of ourselves, we should at least know what proof we would accept. The lower our bar is set, the more proof we will find, the better we will feel, the more motivated we will continue to be and the more likely we are to find success. And that is how you bring your future desires into the present timeline.

If you’d like to talk through this 1:1, that’s what I’m here for. Changing mindsets, busting through limiting beliefs, seeing and sharing your highest truth and potential, providing tools to know where you want to go and how to get there, that’s my work, right alongside you.

Here’s how to connect: Book a Free Call to see how we can best work together, Schedule a session directly on my website, listen to an episode of the Open to Alchemy podcast or hit reply on this email and let me know what's on your mind.

Also, I have an incredible new freebie, Finding Your Creative Flow, on my website to help you better connect to your incredible creative potential. I'd love for you to check it out or share with someone!

To being all the proof you need,


Connecting Your Intuitive Gifts

Hey Love,

They say seeing is believing, but so is hearing, feeling, and knowing. While you may not think you have any “psychic” abilities, we all have an inner guide that’s constantly giving us information on our environment, ourselves and other people. We just need to be open to receiving it!

How many times have you known something that was going to happen before it did? Heard a little voice telling you something was off? Visualized a specific situation and then watched it unfold? Or walked into a room and sensed your partner was sad or hurting before they said a word? These are all your intuitive gifts bringing important insights into your field of awareness.

We all have the ability to tap into and strengthen each of these (and others!), but one of the following might feel more natural or “online” for you:

Clairvoyance (Seeing): This is probably the one you’ve heard most about. It’s the ability to see visions, colors, images that provide information and a deeper meaning. These visual messages can often come through as a symbol or a play like a metaphor for a larger situation.

Clairaudience (Hearing): This is the ability to get messages through a voice that you hear in your head. This voice can sound just like your own inner language or it can have a different tone, cadence or other way of speaking to you.

Clairsentience (Feeling): This is the gift of experiencing sensations in your body that give you guidance about yourself or others. It can feel like an emotional connection or understanding and also be present in physical symptoms, like chills or pressure in your head.

Claircognizance (Knowing): This can come through as an immediate and strong dropping-in of information, seemingly from nowhere. It can also feel like a more subtle, but deep recognition of the truth about someone or a situation that you wouldn’t otherwise have knowledge of.

The ability to connect with these “secret powers” is one of the most impactful elements of my personal and professional life. And they are 100% accessible to you too! I love helping people connect more with their inuitive abilities, so they can find more ease, trust and alignment in their life. If this is giving you any hits or pings, book a Free Call to see how we can best work together.

Also, I have an incredible new freebie, Finding Your Creative Flow, on my website to help you connect to your Co-Creative abilities! I'd love for you to check it out or share with someone!

To strengthening your intuition,


Are You Hiding or Hibernating?

Hey Love,

Whether it's required for work or just for fun, most people spend a lot of time posting on social. There can be so much pressure to constantly put yourself out there, you can end up with a dreaded Vulnerability Hangover from oversharing. It’s completely natural to go through periods of wanting to dial it back a little bit or even "go dark" to get some relief.

If you are in one of those quiet modes, one question to ask yourself is are you hiding or hibernating? While you might not see an immediate distinction, I think there is quite an energetic difference between the two. Here are some qualities of each:

Hiding: This is a place based more in fear, limitations and self-doubt. You can feel closed off, not wanting to be seen based on a lack of worthiness, imposter syndrome or the search for perfection. People that are hiding can feel stuck, lost and have a generally negative internal dialogue.

Hibernating: This is a space with more restorative and nourishing vibes. You can feel purposeful, open, like you are making progress on things that you aren’t quite ready to share yet. People that are hibernating can feel like they are enjoying time for self-reflection, exploration and have a generally hopeful internal dialogue.

While it might look the same from the outside, you will definitely feel the contrast between Hiding and keeping yourself small vs Hibernating and preserving your energy as something new unfolds. When you have a better understanding of where you actually are, you'll know better how to move through these periods with truth and trust.

You’ll find lots more information in my most recent Open to Alchemy podcast, which is also my first video episode (YAY!). After being in a period of hibernation, I got the big time intuitive hit that it was time to show myself in a new way. Can't wait to hear what you think!

If you haven't already seen, I have a brand new freebie, Finding Your Creative Flow, on my website and some upcoming availability for new client Energy Boost sessions. I'd love to help you get back to your authentic self, feel empowered and take creative action to make your dream life a reality.

To showing yourself,


3 Lessons from 3 Figs

Hey Love,

For at least 5 years, I’ve watched our fig tree grow, anxiously awaiting our first harvest. And each year little baby figs would barely start to grow before promptly getting taken by squirrels or birds or disease. If you’ve ever tried growing anything on your own, you’ll know it can be frustrating, disappointing and down right maddening to figure out how to succeed.

Everything has been so busy lately, I had completely put it out of mind. But this past weekend, all was quiet and I took a little walk around our little backyard. And much to my surprise, I found not just one, but three perfectly ripe figs. I was beyond ecstatic!

Now practically speaking, I suppose we were bound to get some fruit, eventually. But to me, there is deep wisdom in this mini-miracle.

Patience. Our preferred timeline is not always possible or beneficial. Usually when things seem to take forever, they end up being right on time, we just don’t know it...yet. By trusting the seasons and cycles of our life we can experience a lot more joy in the journey. Remember too that time is relative, so who's really to say what’s early, late, fast or slow?

Let go of control and expectations. To me, it’s no coincidence that as soon as I stopped my fig fixation, I was rewarded with my desired outcome. This has happened to all of us countless times. The post you don’t care about getting tons of attention, the job you no longer resent turning up a new opportunity, the partner you stopped searching for coming into your life. Align your intentions with action, release attachment and then allow the rest to unfold beautifully, as it will.

Abundance comes in many ways. When our energy is hyper-focused on getting one thing, we can end up ignoring all the other amazing things happening. Don’t forget to take a bird’s eye view of your overall situation from time to time. You might be surprised at how much is actually flowing to you (in the case of my garden, plentiful flowers, butterflies & herbs!). And be grateful for all of it, even a harvest of three.

So let my 3 perfect figs be your wise messenger too. Your job is planting the seeds and tending to the environment. Making sure you are clear on what you want, feeling confident that you are open to and worthy of receiving it and taking actionable steps to put it in motion. The rest, well, I choose to believe it’s all happening as it should.

I have a new freebie, Finding Your Creative Flow, on my website and some September availability for new client Energy Boost sessions. I'd love to help you get back to your authentic self, feel empowered and take creative action to make your dream life a reality.

To the love lessons everywhere,


Building Community and Collaborations

Hey Love,

What's the benefit of clarity? Asking for and receiving what you want. It might sound totally obvious. Or maybe it sounds absolutely crazy, but you can quite literally, speak what you want into existence. Here are some of my very real life examples, so you can see that it’s a pretty magical process:

Although I have a wonderful, supportive family and friend group, it can be isolating working for yourself, by yourself. I knew early on that I needed some “work-wives” for motivation, accountability and to generally support each other in this crazy journey. So I started looking for like-hearted solopreneurs. When I met someone new, I openly shared my challenges and desires. I'd ask if they wanted to meet for a co-working session or to strategize and bounce ideas off each other. It took a little time, but I’m so grateful to have established deep, meaningful friendships with my "co-workers" and I love keeping these relationships growing strong through many seasons.

About a year ago, I began calling in more community and collaboration and since then, I have been actively experiencing a major shift in the people and partnerships coming my way. I now feel empowered to reach out (even to strangers!), share my offerings and contributions. And I’ve given and received wonderful referrals and opportunities within my growing network. You don’t immediately reap the harvest from all the seeds you’ve planted, but just keep the faith that with the right energy and intentions, things will happen!

Moving on From Failure

Hey Love,

I recently tried implementing a system in my business that works amazingly well for a lot of people. It was created with all the best guidance, personalization and accountability support. I felt so inspired and motivated…and then it failed. But I did not. (PS, I don’t actually believe in failure, see more here).

If you are struggling with something that seems successful for everyone else, please do not beat yourself up. Instead:

Hit pause on what you're doing

Give yourself some time and space to sit with the situation

Try meditating, journaling or walking with the specific intention of getting more clarity

Share with your friends, family, co-workers, as they may have insights that can be hard to see yourself

Consider what small tweaks could be made that might have a big impact

Remember, experts share the best practices that work for them, based on their own personal experience and the people they've worked with. And of course, there is so much to be gained from others' wisdom. But, there are a million different ways to do something, because we are all unique and different.

If something you tried didn't work the way you hoped, great! Now you have one more piece of valuable information to help your next iteration or attempt. Finding what works best for you takes patience, perseverance and a lot of trial and error, but the effort is so worth it.

In this week’s episode of the Open to Alchemy podcast, listen in as I share more about my recent work-life challenges and how I got back to my creative flow. And I’ll be giving more tips about this in the weeks to come, so check your inbox and my IG feed!

Want help to get into your flow state? You can book at Energy Boost session get started right now! Also join the waitlist for my new Open to Alchemy membership, so you'll be the first to gain access to the incredible resources and support to start experiencing the transformation you seek.

To finding the fix,


How to Change Your Mind

Hey Love,

I’ve written a lot about the benefits of a positive mindset and how it can literally change the way you experience life. But as much as we want to keep our best practices in place, Adulting just seems to get more challenging and overwhelming. If you feel like you need a little attitude adjustment or help getting back on your A game, here are some easy, actionable tips:

Curate what you listen to. One of the simplest and most powerful ways to reboot your energy is through sound. Whether it’s positive reinforcement from affirmation meditations, resetting your nervous system with binaural beats or expanding your knowledge through audible books or podcasts (definitely check out the last Open to Alchemy episode on Finding Happiness Now!), try taking a more active role in your playlist.

Be someone you believe in. Here’s a hack you can use in any area of your life: create small, attainable goals that you can’t help but achieve, even including things like chores or family obligations that are must-dos. It may seem silly, but I promise getting to experience these little wins over and over will add up to a major shift in your motivation and self-belief.

Implement a Buddy system. There’s a reason why accountability is talked about as a favorite tool - because it works. Find a friend or family member who has a similar goal so you can share your challenges and truimphs. Or schedule weekly check-ins with an inspirational colleague - even if you are working on different things, just knowing you have to report back will encourage action!

Just like any habit, improving your mindset requires practice and patience. But you can also set yourself up for continued success by having a cheerleader in your corner! And that's where I come in. As an Empowerment & Energy Coach it's my job to help you see your truth when you are experiencing doubt, put you back on-track when you veer off-course and guide you to what's most aligned and authentic for your highest self.

You can book at Energy Boost session right now and get started. And also join the waitlist for my new Open to Alchemy membership, so you'll be the first to gain access to the incredible resources and support to make these practices part of your new way of thinking, feeling and being!

To changing your mind,


How to Let Yourself Be Happy

Hey Love,

So everything you've wished and worked for is finally here. Yes, there's celebration, but are you still feeling a It can be quite the unexpected experience - to get what we want - when many of us are used to the struggle story. We can feel comfortable in disappointment, frustration, even in our lack.

But what happens when it all seems to be working out? And how do you maintain that positive energy flow? Here are some tips:

Let yourself feel happy. There is no cosmic scorecard keeping your wins and losses balanced, so you don't need to put your happiness in-check. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The more you let that feeling of bliss surround you, the more goodness you will attract into your life. (I’ve previously written about my fear of being happy, so be sure to click here for more.)

Gratitude all damn day. We have so much to be thankful for; from the gift of your eyes opening each morning to the blessing of a pillow beneath your head at night. Acknowledging your appreciation for everything around you will keep your spirits high.

Look backwards. It’s clear that your work has been paying off, so make sure to reflect on how you’ve been thinking, feeling and showing up in the past few days and weeks. It may be an obvious straight line from past action to current result, but it may also surprise you what shifts (both minor and major) have helped these manifestations materialize.

You are so much more powerful than you realize. And you are entitled to all the goodness coming your way, so sit in the positive energy and allow yourself to keep on receiving it!

In my new Open to Alchemy membership, we will cover more on how to reverse-engineer your manifestations, plus lots of other ways to make your visions into a reality. The OTA membership is an accessible, inspirational place to play, connect and explore who you are and who you want to be. If you are as excited as I am to *finally* make this your new way of thinking, feeling and being, then sign up here on the waitlist to be the first to know when membership opens.

To letting life be good,


Stopping Negative Self-Talk

Hey Love,

“Your biography becomes your biology”

Caroline Myss

In the past few weeks I’ve heard many variations of negative self-talk in client sessions. Things like: I guess I’m just blocked from getting what I want, I shouldn’t be this way it's too much for other people and I don’t feel like I’m good enough when I see how much success others are having.

While it saddens me to hear these amazing souls speak this way about themselves, it also deeply resonates. I think most of us have been guilty of having a critical inner voice. It may feel like this is a permanent habit or “just who you are”, but I’m here as proof that change is possible!

In Compassion Training we learned about emotional awareness; how to identify if a thought is beneficial or afflictive. Which is basically asking: Does the story I’m telling myself help me or hurt me. Once you can 1) identify the thought and 2) discern how it affects you, that’s two thirds of the way towards making a change.

The 3rd part is replacing that negative thought, which you can do with a mantra, affirmation, bridge thought or other strategy. This is not about toxic positivity or denying those very real-to-you feelings. It’s about understanding why & when you have them and how to move forward with a more loving, compassionate view of yourself. Remember, there is nothing more crucial to creating your desired reality than your internal thoughts.

In my new Open to Alchemy membership, we will dive deeper into this topic (and so many more!) with tools for how to become more aware of your thoughts, getting to the root of the negativity and how to reprogram your thinking so you become a more powerful manifestor.

The Open to Alchemy membership is an accessible, inspirational place to play, connect and explore who you are and who you want to be. With weekly access via lives and recorded Q&A videos, deep dives into our favorite topics and modalites, behind the scenes access to the Open to Alchemy podcast, a stream of amazing resources and weekly/monthly rituals to keep you accountable and encouraged. (And for one amazing price!)

If you are as excited as I am to *finally* make this your new way of thinking, feeling and being, then sign up here on the waitlist to be the first to know when membership opens.

To owning your inner dialogue,
