How to Align with the Seasons
/Hello Dear,
It's the spring season, didn’t you hear?! All around us are messages from social media influencers, retail stores and news sources, telling us to lighten up, refresh, get busy.
But, what if your Spring hasn’t yet Sprung? While you may want to stay in hibernation, you can still take a lesson from these beautiful nature cues:
Grow at your pace. Everything blossoms at its own speed. If you are not yet feeling ready to rush head first into all-the-things, then take some extra time to find your bearings. Life isn’t a race, so stay clear of outside influences that tell you otherwise.
Get grounded. Sit quietly with your feelings and emotions. What is it you are actually experiencing? Is it exhaustion? Are you overwhelmed? Sad? Scared? Identifying and claiming your feelings is the first step to taking ownership of your emotional well-being.
Find the root. Now that you’ve identified what you are feeling, dig a little deeper into the root cause. What do you think is behind this feeling? Are you taking on too much? Feeling pressure from others? Holding onto something from the past or worrying about the future?
Plant today for tomorrow’s growth. Think about how you want to show up for life tomorrow (or next week). What is it that you’d rather be feeling and experiencing? Then, decide what needs to happen today in order to feel that way. Whether you need more sleep, less Netflix or no more BS, taking the time to create an action plan is key to making the changes you want IRL.
As we (re)learn with every new season, nothing is permanent. The good, the bad, the easy, the challenging; all are temporary states of being. I'm sending you grace as you navigate through this current season.
If you need some empowering and inspiring messages from 30+ incredible women, then you must listen to this special highlight episode, celebrating my one year anniversary of the Open to Alchemy podcast. I'm so grateful to all my incredible guests and supportive listener community!
And if you are looking to jumpstart this next phase of growth, I'd love to help. Whether it's learning more about yourself through Human Design, starting your small business journey or finding more alignment and abundance in your Entrepreneur energy let's connect. Nothing lights me up more than helping others find and activate their gifts so they can create and share the work they are meant to.
To a soulful spring,