Bringing the Spirit of Travel Within

Hello Love,

I’m back, baby! We’ve returned from a glorious spring break and I can barely believe I got to use my passport for the first time in almost 2 ½ years! It was so good to travel and I’m beyond grateful for the ability to experience something new again. While travel provides a natural opportunity for a reflection and expansion, here are some things that don’t require you to pack a bag or board a plane:

Cultural Dive: What’s something foreign you’ve always been curious about? Perhaps it’s a country, language, food, or arts and crafts technique. Don’t let the fear of the unknown prevent you from exploring something new. It might turn out to be your next vacation spot, a secret talent or your new favorite food. Consistently expanding your horizons is key to keeping us open and receptive. And it can still be done from the comfort of home.

Reimagining Retreats: While we’d all love a multi-day stay at some fabulous spa, consider what you can do to bring that same energy home. Start with setting the intention for what you’d like to experience, such as rest and relaxation or creativity and clarity. Next, make a list of your specific goals and clear a weekend or weeknight. Don’t forget to set the scene: turn off all notifications, order in some of your favorite food, light candles and play music. There is incredible benefit to regularly scheduling time to refresh and reset!

Recreate Rituals: For me, one of the best things about travel is the chance to slow down and savor the smaller moments. Luckily you don’t have to go anywhere to spend a few extra minutes nourishing yourself in the mindfulness of everyday experiences. Pay attention to the rich smells when you are brewing your cup of coffee, take the longer, more scenic route in your neighborhood, indulge in a fragrant bubble bath or nightly bite of chocolate. Make room for magic in your daily life, not just when you are on vacation. (Stay tuned for more on this to come!)

Whether you are jet-setting globe-trotter or prefer exploring your own backyard, we can all benefit from the traveler's mindset. And while we don’t always have control of our schedules (or pandemic restrictions), approaching things with curiosity, mindfulness and compassion can help you live a more joyful and fulfilling life.

And now that I'm back, I’m ready to help you discover some of the magical ways you are here to shine your light. Whether it's learning more about yourself through Human Design, starting your small business journey or finding more alignment and abundance in your Entrepreneur energy let's connect. Nothing lights me up more than helping others find and activate their gifts so they can create and share the work they are meant to.

To traveling within,
