How to Practice Gratitude
/Hello Love,
Have you been caught in a s**t storm of adversity or bad luck lately? I feel for you. And you are definitely not alone; it seems to be going around. While you may think you’ll be stuck here forever, I have a simple way to instantly improve how you are feeling - practice gratitude.
I know it sounds simple and silly. It feels overhyped and overdone.
And it works. Every. Single. Time.
So I come back to gratitude. When I'm sad, down or doubtful. When I'm frustrated, angry or resentful. When I'm worried, stressed or overloaded. And if you think you have nothing to be grateful for, find one thing, just one, that is working, feels good, makes you smile.
Here are some simple ways to incorporate gratitude into your daily life:
Start each day with a deep breath in appreciation of your night's sleep. It may not have been enough rest, but if you slept in a safe, warm bed, then that's something to be grateful for.
Spend one minute before each meal being thankful. Think of the hundreds, if not thousands of people responsible for helping that coffee, salad or muffin get to your belly.
Take a walk outside to enjoy a fresh new perspective. Feel your feet on the earth and allow your five senses to soak up the pure beauty and magic of mother nature.
Express your gratitude at bedtime for all that you took for granted. For your body that carried you through the day, your work that provided for you, and moments with friends or family that were tender, thoughtful, funny.
You have everything you need. Practicing gratitude helps us remember.
If you are feeling stuck in a loop of negativity or self-doubt, I am here to help. Whether it's finding self-compassion through Human Design, getting the clarity and confidence to start your small business journey or enjoying more alignment and abundance in your Entrepreneur energy let's connect. Nothing lights me up more than helping others identify and activate their gifts so they can create and share the work they are meant to.
To being grounded in gratitude,