Using your Creative Power

Hey Love,

As a small business owner, it can feel like we are on a never-ending treadmill of to-dos. But how often do we stop to celebrate all those victories, both large and small? 

Lately, I've been shifting my mindset from a worker to a creator. In stepping into my creator power, I'm able to see how much I manifest in my business and life. Here are two ways I’ve found that can be very easy to implement, but super impactful:

  • Daily: Thoughtfully choose the words you use in conversation with others and yourself. Your thoughts become your reality, so the negative loop in your head can quickly turn into what you are seeing and feeling. By stating these reframes out loud, you are clearly communicating what you want and taking a more active role in their creation.

    • Example: Instead of saying that you are “busy” or “exhausted”, which keeps you in that frantic, overwhelmed state, you can say that you “are grateful to have a full calendar”. And if you want things to slow down and become more manageable, then say “I’m working to take things off my plate.”

  • Weekly: Turn your finished to-do lists into a "What I Manifested" list. Make sure to use active language that embodies how you want to feel and the energy you want to continue to call in. This process helps rewire your brain to acknowledge and take co-creation ownership of your accomplishments.

    • Example: This Week I Manifested: 1. successful pitch of a new podcast show idea; 2. brainstorm and launching my dynamic and profitable new offering; 3. scheduling all my social media posts for the most ease and impact.

Attention combined with Intention makes meaningful changes to the way you think and feel about yourself and your relationship with success. Plus, it creates a beautiful and tangible flow of opportunity and achievement.

If you are looking to align your Entrepreneur energy and step into your most powerful creative self, I'm your gal! I have so many helpful, easy-to-implement resources to get you into the most positive, flowing, abundant head and heart space. Schedule a free call to discover which session is the best for you. 

To making it so,
