March Newsletter

Monthly Newsletter of Lauren Ivy Health: March 2019

Farmers Market Finds, FAQs, Wellness Finds, Monthly Mantra

Farmers Market Finds: Why choosing local is a healthy choice


Proximity = Nutrition: The longer your produce is from harvest, the fewer nutrients it has. With the average produce item taking 5 days to travel, plus another 3-4 in the grocery warehouse, you can lose up to 40% of the nutrient value. Compare that with fruits and veggies picked just the day before consumption!

The Face Stops Waste: Have you ever played the game with your kids when you name all the things, places and people that worked to create something? Here’s how it looks in my house: Mom worked hard to earn money to buy this broccoli. The driver had to bring it to the market. And he got it from the farmer who picked it, after it was planted from a seed, watered and cared for...

Having a connection to where our food comes from and the hard working people who grow our produce is a game changer in lessening food waste and works wonders with kids who are less than enthusiastic about trying new veggies.

Environmental Impact: Think about every item in your local grocery store. Each item was delivered either by plane, train or automobile…or maybe all three. That’s a tremendous amount of fuel being used and creating air pollution leading to global warming. No, you alone can’t solve climate change just by purchasing your food from the local farmer’s market. But imagine if everyone bought local…now that’s real change.



Q: What is health & wellness coaching?

A: In the broadest terms, Health & Wellness coaching bridges the gap between where you are currently and where you want to be with your health. By helping you tap into your true motivation, a coach empowers you to turn your wellness vision into a real actionable plan.

Q: Why should I choose Lauren Ivy Health?

A: I have been in your shoes, putting my wellness on the bottom of my to-do list, while I prioritize the needs of my family. I can help you recognize your negative self-talk and self-sabotage tactics, because I’ve done the same things. I will listen to you, without judgment, and encourage you to take time for self-care, which is absolutely not self-ish.

Q: What can we talk about?

A: Coaching encompasses whole-self health, also known as “big picture wellness”. This includes healthy eating, exercise, weight management, sleep, stress, life balance, mindfulness, personal and professional goals.

Q: How many sessions do I need?

A: That’s completely an individual decision. I do not have a set program that I put all my clients into. We could work on a smaller change for a few weeks or larger changes for a few months.

Q: Why do I need a coach?

A: Even when you know what you want to change and should be doing to improve your life, it can be hard to figure exactly out how to fit it all in. A coach helps you develop your own action plan and brings the missing accountability you need to succeed.


Looking to add a new boost to your daily coffee or smoothie? You might want to check out Collagen Peptides. Packed with protein, Collagen is getting all the buzz these days for it's touted benefits for skin, nails, bones and gut health. Research is promising, but still limited.



If you want to be responsible, keep your promises to others. If you want to be successful, keep your promises to yourself.

--Marie Forleo

Coaching sessions are available! Contact me at 917-365-8541 or to schedule a Discovery Call.

For wellness tips, product finds and other daily inspiration follow me on IG/FB @laurenivyhealth