Why it's Hard to Get What you Want

Hey Love,

As we approach the final weeks of the year, many of us are in gift-giving mode, buying all the things for all the people. Creating our own holiday wish list of products or experiences may be easy, but when it comes to the bigger life things, like personal and professional goals, knowing and getting what we want can be challenging.

The Spice Girls have been asking us since the mid-90s...so why is still hard to tell what we really really want?

  • Lack of clarity: If you aren’t sure what you want, it’s certainly going to make it harder to get it. Sounds obvious, right? But you’d be surprised at how often the absence of clear, defined goals or desires is at the root of our struggles. Sometimes we can't find clarity due to fear, but it also could be that we've decided we are "too busy" to carve out the necessary time. Ask yourself honestly why you can’t see your future clearly and take note of what's coming up for you.

  • Lack of discipline: I’m not going to sugarcoat it - making new habits and breaking old habits is hard. You might have lots of false starts before something truly sticks. But that’s okay! Everytime you try again, you are building muscle memory for resilience, perseverance and adaptability. There are lots of hacks (try habit-stacking) and resources (check out Atomic Habits) that can help you get the lasting change you seek.

  • Lack of self-worth: If you don’t believe in yourself, it's going to impact your ability to receive and achieve. Our thoughts are more powerful than we realize, working both in our favor and getting in our way. When you think about what you want, can you truly see yourself getting it or do you feel doubt? Adding in self-esteem practices can go a long way towards overcoming imposter syndrome and other confidence-crushing feelings.

We do so much for all the people in our lives. Aren’t you ready to finally make your dreams and desires a priority? One small, but impactful way to declare "2023 is MINE", is a Year-Ahead reading. These 30 minute sessions give you a personalized look at what's in store for you in 2023. Together we will explore year-long themes, areas of focus or specific actions and ideas. We may also uncover and clear some negative beliefs that are keeping you from achieving your goals. 

If you've never had an energy reading, these are so fun, clarifying and empowering. These sessions are only available for a limited time and also make a great holiday gift to yourself or loved ones, so grab your appointment slot today!

To getting what you want,