Grounding Techniques

Hey Love,

What a year this week has been! School started for us (yes already!) and with the combination of earlier wake-times, a resetting of routines and the loss of summer freedom...emotions are running high.

Even if you aren’t affected by the back-to-school blues, there are always life events that can cause us to seemingly ride one emotional roller coaster after another. Here are some of my favorite mindfulness techniques for grounding down, releasing stress and coming back to a place of neutral:

Visualize a Sacred Space: Envision a space that evokes a special feeling of peace for you. Maybe it’s your childhood home, a favorite sandy shore or dreamy mountain adventure. What does it look like, sound like, smell like? Fill in as many details as possible to really give you an all-senses experience and ease your way back to calm.

Call on Plant Power: Lean on the supportive energy of our natural allies. Head to your favorite plant or flower shop and slowly walk through as you “listen” for any botanical beauty that seems to be calling to you. Put your new find in a special, quiet spot in your home and enjoy your mini retreat space.

Reinforce Calm with Colors: While we might gravitate towards favorite colors to wear, there are certain hues that lend themselves to more restorative, calming sensations. Pay attention to how you feel around bright, bold primary colors as compared to softer pastels or shades found in nature. Then make some easy color changes like adding a pillow or poster to ensure you have a space that’s most supportive to you.

Feel the Magic of Music: There’s a reason people have used sound therapy in healing practices since ancient times. Whether it’s the rhythm of a drumbeat, soft melody of a harp or rump-shaking of 90s pop, there is nothing like immersing yourself in music to change up your energy. Freebie apps like Spotify and Pandora offer endless playlists for you to explore, so get moving!

I've heard the misconception that mindfulness means staying calm at all times, never feeling upset or experiencing a high/low swing, which is definitely not true! But when you practice grounding techniques like these, it does help you to have a shorter time in the valley and a broader perspective about whatever challenge you may come across.

If you'd like more of this energy in your life, I’m here to help! I have an entire toolbox of skills and techniques to help you live authentically, with more mindfulness and intention. Check out my 1:1 sessions to explore more of what's possible for you. After just 90 minutes you'll feel more inspired, empowered and ready to step into your future vision. Reach out for a free connection call to get more information.

To smoother times,