Examining Your Shadows: Accepting the Dark and Light

In this powerful episode, my guest Olivia Krishnaswami and I explore the Underworld archetype; a completely unexpected and yet perfectly timed topic! As a poet, writer and mystic, Olivia definitely has a way with words, and I'm so grateful she shared her work and spiritual insights with our pod-community! We chat about:

- Figuring out titles and claiming future identities

- How to use Archetype energy

- The Underworld card 

- Silent meditation retreats

- Layers of spirituality

- Having many purposes + 5 year exercise

- Trauma responses

- Balanced empathy

- Acceptance in not being okay

and lots more!

Follow Olivia on Substack at https://wovendeep.substack.com and on IG at https://www.instagram.com/wovendeep/

Follow Lauren on IG at https://www.instagram.com/open.to.alchemy/ and on her website at https://opentoalchemy.com/

Check out my new nature-based offering: Rooted Energy Healing

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