Dream A Little Dream

Hey Love,

"To live each day as if it were a dream"

This sentence came to me in a meditation earlier this week and tbh, I can’t stop thinking about it. The idea has stirred a wide range of thoughts, from dismissal and doubt to hope and aspiration. What would it take for me, for you, for all of us, to live each day as if it were a dream? While I’m still deep in reflection, here’s what I’ve come up with so far:

  • Practice Gratitude. “The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see” - Mary Davis. The Law of Attraction teaches that what we focus on expands - both the positive and the negative. So while it’s tempting to get stuck on all that we are “missing”, there is so much we take for granted. Remember that each day you awake, each smile and laugh you share, each bite of food that nourishes, each step your body takes, you are experiencing someone else’s dream.

  • Create a Fairy Tale Morning. The animated classics often start with the birds chirping, the sun shining, and carefree twirling through the open fields. And although most of us don’t live in a Disney fantasy, we can still harness that positive AM energy. Maybe it’s a wake-up song that gets you smiling, a quick meditation video of a beautiful sunrise or a quiet morning walk to start the day grounded and joyful. You are responsible for the energy you bring to each day.

  • Acceptance and Surrender. What if we looked at every little bump in the road as a planned detour? So much of our suffering is caused by resistance and ruminating on what shoulda, coulda, woulda been. While there is so much we can’t control, we can become more aware of the thought patterns, reactions and negativity loops that prevent us from enjoying the ride of life.

If you are tired of the same old story repeating in your head and want a fresh perspective on how to get closer to living your dream life, my Rooted Energy offering is an incredible resource. Designed to provide clarity, direction and/or reassurance about a specific question or area of focus, these sessions are done remotely. You receive an audio file and written transcript directly to your inbox, so you can listen (and read!) multiple times and integrate your unique messages at your own pace. 

Check out some of the incredible testimonials and get more information on how to book a session. As always, please reach out for a free connection call to chat or reply to this email!

To dreaming awake,