Time-bending Hacks

Hi Dear!

For many of us, these next few weeks mark a big transition from a school schedule to a summer schedule. And even if your free time is not dictated by kids, summer can mean either more or less time for yourself, depending on your work environment, travel plans and other life obligations.

Since time seems to always be in short supply, I wanted to share some of my favorite time-bending hacks to help you make the most of your time, no matter what the season.

Pomodoro Method: This 25 minute ON/5 minute OFF technique is a must-try for anyone with a short attention span or has trouble staying focused and on-task. I have personally found this to be a game changer! You work without interruption for 25 minutes and then get a 5 minute break to walk around, check email or return a text message. When your 5 minutes is up, you get back to work, feeling refreshed by your mini brain break. You can set your own timer, but I would recommend using one of the many free apps available.

Create Before you Consume: Whether you are working on content, writing a proposal or considering potential partners, fight the urge to check what others are doing and instead start with a solid brainstorming session based on your own ideas. Not only will you save yourself from the time-suck that is social media and online news, but you will be able to more easily tap into your innate, intuitive genius. As a result, you'll come up with more innovative solutions while strengthening your creative muscles, making your work sessions more productive.

Use Human Design to Work Smarter: Yep, I'm saying it again...we are all designed to work differently! Some of us are meant to be steady experts, consistently growing our skills over time. Others are multi-passionate, need to be more fluid and change course frequently. Some are meant to be project initiators, starting the work, but not continuing it. Others are designed to make major improvements, but only to the people who request help. Knowing how you are meant to work, both on your own and with others, can help you save time and use your valuable energy in the most fulfilling way.

We can make time work for us. It's just takes a little awareness and discipline to create and follow systems that help us by work smarter, not harder.

If you want to make sure you are spending your time creating the most impact, check out my Energy Alignment for Business session. It's the perfect mid-year review to help you assess your business or career from a holistic perspective. We will take a closer look at the balance of your work life, clear any blocks or beliefs, help maximize your energy, increase your creativity and productivity. Because I want you to have a quick and impactful win, I'm offering these sessions for a special rate of $55 through the month of June. 

To turning back time,
