What are Limiting Beliefs and how to combat them
/I am a liar.
And so is almost everyone I know. Below is a list of lies I’ve told myself or heard from my friends and clients.
I’m too busy.
I need to put my {children, husband, parents, siblings, friends, boss} first.
People will think I’m crazy.
I’m too old to change or learn something new.
My life is fine, I really don't deserve to complain.
I don’t know where to start.
No one has it all, so it’s okay that I don’t have everything I want.
When my kids are older I’ll have time for myself.
But these aren't facts, they are limiting beliefs. And we’ve said them to ourselves so many times, that we’ve come to believe that they are true, but they aren’t.
I know this might cause some resistance, because that’s how our ego works. It wants to keep us safe and protected. Each one of these beliefs does just that, by preventing us from taking risks and fully committing to our goals. The ego also wants to always be right. So each time you allow yourself to go along with one of these beliefs, the ego reinforces it and solidifies it in your mind. So over time, it becomes true to you.
But here’s the amazing thing about self-discovery work - you can change, grow, evolve at each and every moment. You can break the cycle of these limiting beliefs and move forward in creating the life that’s calling you deep inside.
If you want to bust through your limiting beliefs about Success, check out Success by Design. These custom guides are created based on your unique Human Design. Highlighting 11 elements of success you can activate in the most authentic way, because they are specific to you.
Learn your energy style, strengths, work pace, how to make decisions, correct way to structure your day, manifest and more! The guide includes action items and activation techniques you can put into practice immediately.
It's available now, at an intro rate of $21. Order your guide by visiting Success by Design. And then get ready to flip the script on those limiting beliefs.
As always, I'd love to hear from you so please follow me on social at Instagram here and Facebook here & here.
All my best,